Dear Universe Manifestation Letter Examples


Have you noticed that over the past few years, there has been a widespread awakening of consciousness globally? Many people have realized that they can experience the life they really want to live, independent of external circumstances. Fortunately, many manifestation techniques have become popular for people to fulfill their desires. One of the most wonderful methods to achieve goals is to write a manifestation letter to the universe so that the universe will grant you exactly what you want. Below is a useful guide for applying this technique and some DEAR UNIVERSE MANIFESTATION LETTER EXAMPLES to make it easier for you to understand this method.

What is a manifestation letter addressed to the universe?

A letter of manifestation addressed to the universe is literally a letter written by you where you ask the universe for the desire you want to see expressed in your physical reality. The most important thing is to be clear about what you want, and then express it in writing in the letter. This method works fully for two reasons: you express your desire in writing, which gives it authority. The other reason is that the universe aligns all the circumstances necessary for your desire to be expressed in your earthly reality as you requested.

Simple steps to writing a manifestation letter to the universe

Writing a manifestation letter to the universe requires simple steps to get it right. First of all, relax and maintain an attitude of hope and gratitude.

  1. Prepare yourself properly to start writing: find a quiet time and place to write your manifestation letter. Set the place with harmonious music and pleasant scents such as sandalwood, lavender, or jasmine.
  2. Start your letter with the phrase “Dear Universe”.
  3. Follow with the phrase “I thank you….”. Gratitude is fundamental to start writing your letter, as it opens the way to love, prosperity, success, good health, etc. That is why you should write a list of fortunate events for which you feel grateful.
  4. Start writing your wish with as much detail as possible so that it is perfectly understood. The wish is written in the present tense and in positive language. Never write negative phrases such as: “I no longer want to work in administrative tasks”, “I no longer want to live in such a populous city”. Basically, your wish should point to what you want, not to what you don’t want.
  5. Add emotion to the expression of your wish. Here you should write the positive emotions that your wish generates, how happy you feel to have what you want.
  6.  At the end of your letter, you should express gratitude. Write “Thank you Universe for all that you are giving me…”.
  7. Sign the letter you have just written to the universe. Then write your full name and date of birth. These simple actions serve to give authority to your request.
  8. Once you have finished your letter, you should keep it in a safe place where no one will see it. The key is to maintain your privacy and above all to protect your personal energy.
  9. Go back to your normal life with the certainty that your wish will manifest at the most appropriate time.


A letter of manifestation to the universe should be written with clarity, gratitude, faith, and hope. Below are some DEAR UNIVERSE MANIFESTATION LETTER EXAMPLES to facilitate the application of this method.


“Dear Universe, I am grateful to be in good health, have a harmonious family, and enjoy my professional career. I now wish to have 20 thousand dollars to make renovations in my house, so that my family and I spend beautiful moments there. My house would look very beautiful with the necessary repairs. My husband and I would relax more, my children would have a lot of fun and we would be able to receive our friends. I thank you infinitely for this wish you are fulfilling for me. Thank you.”


“Dear Universe, I am grateful for the life I lead. I am developing my professional career with success, I have friends, and I practice the sport I like. My wish is to share this happiness with a partner who is faithful, successful, handsome, and healthy. I know that together we would feel fulfilled, enjoying pleasant moments, I thank you infinitely for this perfect love relationship. Thank you.”


“Dear Universe, I thank you for the wonderful job I have and the harmonious family I live with. I desire to have perfect health that encompasses a healthy body and a balanced mind that will allow me to further enjoy the life I have. My loved ones and I would celebrate the best moments together. I thank you infinitely for the good health you give to my body and mind. Thank you.”

The DEAR UNIVERSE MANIFESTATION LETTER EXAMPLES above are simply a guide for you to write your own letter. You can adapt these examples to your wishes and make changes as you see fit.

Final considerations:

A manifestation letter addressed to the universe activates high energetic vibrations so that circumstances align in your favor. The power of the written word commands your inner world and manifests in your outer world. Once you know what you want and express it in writing, the physical reality adapts to that new configuration. Your desire inevitably manifests in earthly reality.

The DEAR UNIVERSE MANIFESTATION LETTER EXAMPLES represent a guide for you to learn how to create the reality you want to experience, beyond circumstances. Once you have written your manifestation letter you must live your life as usual. Internally you should know that your desire will manifest at the best time and you should already feel grateful for that. Never obsess over your manifestation letter, simply allow everything to flow in your favor. Trust your inner power to experience the reality you want to live.