Does Manifesting Work?


Quick Manifestation



Recently many people have experienced an awakening of consciousness. Many of us have realized that we can create the reality we want to live, independent of external circumstances. Techniques such as the Law of Attraction, Mind Control, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, etc. have become popular. You want to manifest certain goals, and in the face of so many different options, you wonder: does manifesting work?

I have manifested some interesting things in my own life. Here are a few of them:

  • My car was damaged in an accident, and I manifested it “healed” overnight.
  • I cut my own hair and I made such a mess of it. I decided to “let go” of wanting it to look better. The next morning my hair was back to the way it was before I cut it.
  • I needed a washer and dryer and manifested a nice set in 3 days using my making room technique
  • I had just gotten a divorce and needed several pieces of furniture. I made space for it and within 3 days a neighbor, whom I had just met, knocked on my door. He said he was a handyman, and someone gave him a house full of furniture. He asked if I would like any of it for free. I said yes, please. By the end of the day, every room in my house was fully furnished.

How can you too manifest anything you desire?

I wish there was a one size fits all technique, however, I have not found one thing that works for me all of the time. Here are some manifestation techniques that I have used.

Choose a manifestation technique that you like

To manifest a desire there are many techniques that can help you feel confident during the process. You can repeat affirmations, write a script about your wish fulfillment, draw a vision board, etc. Whatever manifestation method you like is perfect for you.

1.    Define exactly what you want

To manifest a desire, you must first define it exactly. This makes the process of making it come true incredibly easy and fast. The truth is that you can manifest literally anything: an ideal job, marriage, a car, etc. The starting point is that you define what you want and keep it in mind until it becomes a reality.

2.    Take control of your thoughts

Once you have defined what you want, you must be aware of the negative thoughts you might have about it. For example, you want a certain car, but you think you will never have the money to pay for it. When negative thoughts appear, replace them with positive ones. Following the previous example, you may want to think that the money to buy it will appear at any moment.

3.    Tuning vibrations

Tune your personal vibration to the vibration of your “wish fulfilled”. Think of your desire manifested, believing that the circumstances around you are in your favor. For example, if you want to get married, simply think about how happy you and your partner will be when you are married. Before you go to sleep at night, think about the celebration that will take place once your desire is achieved. This can be more effective than trying to think about how to get your goal

4.    Become the person who has their desire fulfilled

To manifest a desire in your physical reality you must become right now the person who already has what he/she wants. The feeling of desire fulfillment is first established in your mind and then reflected in your physical reality. Feel within yourself that you already have what you want, and it will inevitably manifest in your life.

5.    Consciously remove obstacles

During the manifestation process, obstacles of any kind could arise, negative thoughts, negative comments from others, etc. The key to overcoming them is to be aware of that negativity so that you can defeat it. You must be aware that your willingness to manifest your desire destroys any negativity.

6.    Free your desire

During the manifestation process the following doubt may arise: does manifesting work? When that happens, you must change your attitude positively. That means you must release your desire for the universe to set up the perfect form and timing in which what you want will manifest. Let go of doubt and continue to live your life as usual while your desire comes into your life.

7.    Let yourself be carried away by your inspiration

During the manifestation process, wonderful opportunities will appear for your desire to be fulfilled. You must take inspired action, i.e. take an action that you feel will be positive. For example, you want to earn more money, and you are proposing a business that fits perfectly with your current situation. That means that you should go into that business because it will surely lead you to the fulfillment of your desire.

8.    Celebrate and be grateful for your evolution

During the manifestation process, you will go through an evolutionary path that will lead you to the fulfillment of your desire. You will be getting better and better every day. You must celebrate and be grateful for it. This attitude will quickly lead you to the manifestation of your desire in physical reality.

9.    Cultivate inner peace

The universe will synchronize all the circumstances for your desire to manifest in your physical reality. Therefore, you must eliminate the great doubt that keeps you in a low vibration: does manifesting work?

Maintaining inner peace while your desire manifests is the best way to make it happen. Remaining calm will immediately attract what you desire.

10.  Make Space for what you want.

When I manifested furniture, I decided what I wanted. I went to sleep thinking about celebrating once I had furniture. I felt peaceful about it. I think the main thing that really did the trick was making room. I went room by room and swept the room. As I did that, I thought about having furniture filling the room.

When I needed a washer and dryer, I went into the garage where the hookup was located. I realized I did not have room for them because I still had moving boxes in that location. I moved the boxes and swept the area. That was on Wednesday. On Saturday, my son-in-law called me and asked if I wanted a washer and dryer. A friend who was moving had called him. By the end of the day, I had a commercial grade set and it cost me nothing.

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